A Day With Filmmaker Eric Temple Of Highway 89 Media

Eric Temple is an Emmy-winning director, editor, producer, and screenwriter at Highway 89 Media, based in Ogden, Utah. He founded the company in 2011 when he relocated from Washington, DC. Temple has been working in broadcasting and film for more than forty years, creating an impressive portfolio in digital media, film, and documentary production. Rayman Solutions has interviewed Temple and is pleased to introduce filmmaker Eric Temple to all of our readers.

Eric Temple in His Own Words

Eric Temple

Eric founded Highway 89 Media “to create videos worth sharing.” Prior to 2011, “I spent almost 17 years working as a producer for broadcast TV, then formed my own company in 1991. I have owned and operated my own video production companies since 1992. I enjoy the diverse nature of the clients and projects that we have, along with the challenge of working in many genres of video. For example, while our bread and butter is based on telling short stories on video, we have also produced many award-winning documentaries that are longer and more involved.” His notable works include Edward Abbey: A Voice in the Wilderness, a PBS documentary on the environmental writer Edward Abbey, and With One Voice, a 2009 documentary exploring cross-cultural mysticism.

Eric Temple

Highway 89 Media is the spiritual successor to Canyon Productions, Inc., an independent company that Eric ran from June 1992 to May 2011. It was a video production company specializing in corporate, government and documentary media. He also moonlighted as a part-time instructor at the Center for Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University, where he taught video production courses. In his earlier broadcasting days, Temple worked at KAET-TV as a producer-director and later became the environmental reporter in the same PBS channel. Next, he was the producer of the daily PM/Evening Magazine Program at KUTV and then served as the senior producer for local programming. From January 1987 to May 1989 he worked as an executive producer at WJZ, responsible for all of their local programming. Finally, he was the executive producer of Evening Magazine on KPIX, San Francisco, and later produced a weekly home improvement program on KGO-TV, San Francisco.

Achievements And Recognition

Eric Temple

Eric Temple has received several Emmy Awards, 9 Telly Awards, and several Communicator Awards, along with commendations from nationwide film festivals. Eric stated that “Video has been my passion and craft since high school. Naturally, the technology has grown by leaps and bounds since then, and I love keeping up with new techniques and industry trends.” Beyond film and television awards, for Temple “the reward comes from seeing satisfied clients coming back to us again and again.”

The Future of Highway 89 Media

Eric Temple

Eric’s impressive career is far from over. His goals for the future include expanding “Highway 89 Media’s reach across Utah and the West while continuing to provide our clients with the personal service they have come to expect. We also strive to stay ahead of the technology curve, using the latest 4K cameras and editing technologies. Plus, we have a strong creative and technical team, and I want them to always keep learning new things and to keep growing.” Even as technology advances and makes video production more accessible, expertise in film production and respect for the craft cannot be replaced.

Eric Temple

In this highly competitive field, Eric is using his vast experience to give back to the next generation of filmmakers. He states that “while living in Washington, DC, I spent several years on the faculty of the Center for Digital Imaging Arts, working with students from all walks of life to improve their video production skills. Now that I’m in Utah, I have been presenting lectures to upcoming entrepreneurs at Weber State University on how to produce and utilize video in their marketing efforts.” With the rise of digital and social media, Eric’s proficiency in video production is more sought-after than ever.

Parting Thoughts From Eric Temple

Eric Temple

Here at Rayman Solutions, our readers love to hear from thoughtful entrepreneurs and businessmen like Eric Temple. We asked Eric how he maintains his passion and work ethic throughout his career. Eric stated, “every project presents a new opportunity for me and my team, and we love to learn and grow together. We truly become part of your company for the duration of the project; learning both your needs and corporate culture. Though we have produced hundreds of videos in our careers, every project brings a new twist and a chance to showcase our talents. That is truly rewarding.”

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