Internet users have an average of 5.54 Social Media accounts
What are you doing to reach them?

Integrate Social Media Marketing into your Digital Marketing Strategy

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is an important part of your business marketing and plays a critical role in any digital marketing strategy. It helps deliver a significant boost to the amount of traffic your website gets and boosts the online reputation of your brand. In addition to creating exposure, awareness and building authority, it is also important that you focus on improving your organic search positioning. This is most easily achieved by using the most relevant social media platforms that your business can use and hen working to develop an effective strategy that will support the goals of your marking plan.
We provide a range of Social Media Marketing services in Canada and US for all of our clients, including:

  • Blog posts: Developing powerful informative blog content is the best way to grow your online presence and develop strong lines of communication and to build trust with your customers.
  • Social Shares: Sharing new content, news and events, announcements and business or industry specific updates on your website will encouraging users to visit regularly and build you up as an expert in that area.
  • Social Media Profile Optimization: Keeping up with new trends in search engines, SEO work, blogging topics, and encouraging good customer interaction are also important to a great social media marketing campaign.
  • Premium Content Creation: Good quality content is critical for marketing success and can include written content, audio files, e-books, written content, graphics, and videos.
  • Paid Social Media Ads: Sometimes getting a little boost from paid marketing and pay per click advertising is just what your site needs to get the upper hand.
  • Social Contests: Contests offer a unique way to get the word out and also helps encourage strong customer interaction.
  • Usability Testing: We understand that even the best plan will not work in all situations and will eventually need to be tweaked and adjusted to meet the changing needs of the business, the customers, and the search engines.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: We track every social interaction – likes, shares, ad impressions, comments, vitality and total reach to understand which posts work and increase engagement.
  • Platform Specific Strategies: We can also help you with all of your platform options need slightly different approach in order to be as successful as possible- and we can help you with it all!

Advantages of Social Media Marketing

  • Creates solid content for your site
  • Builds your reputation as an industry leaders
  • Builds trust and rapport with your customers
  • Generates high quality leads to new clients
  • Engages customers and improves communication
  • Improves search engine ranking results for your keywords
  • Focuses on customer wants and needs
  • Increases website traffic while building brand awareness
  • More efficient use of marketing budget

Why Choose Us for Social Media Marketing

  • Unique approach to SMM: Our approach and strategy is different from what you will find with the vast majority of other companies claiming to do what we do- the difference is we are focused on you and your customer first and foremost in all that we do.
  • SEO, Inbound Marketing and SMM: We utilize a closed loop/integrated strategy that combines SEO, inbound marketing, and SMM to build you business’ online reputation.
  • A holistic approach: we work to always diversify and maximize the marketing efforts that you use and will create a integrated inbound marketing campaigns for every client that uses SEO and PPC activities along with content and search engine ranking.
  • Connection with the major social networks: Building a network of shares links with others authority sites and leading blogs in your niche market is another area we focus on with our social medial marketing campaigns,
  • Maximized results: We know the paid social networks work the best for certain markets and we understand how to use then to optimize for performance and increased sales.
  • Dedicated Paid Social Team: We’ve got an expert who’ll advise, setup, deploy and optimize campaigns to achieve your specific marketing goals.

If you need help with any phase of your social media marketing campaign give us a call. We would be glad to help you!

Consult free with our Expert Today @ +1 289 678 2898

how can we help you?

Through creative Social Media Marketing strategy, we halp companies that delivers authenticity to your audience.

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